When K. Chandrashekhar Rao took up the fast for 10 days, along with student protests and demonstrations, which took on a violent mode, this captured the limelight. Excessive media coverage and mounting pressure resulted in the Centre taking action. The Home Minister, P. Chidambaram has said that a resolution would be moved in the Assembly for the formation of Telengana.
This received massive coverage across news media. Have you ever heard about the Iron Lady of Manipur? Someone by name of Irom Chanu Sharmila ?
This lady has consistently been on fasts since 2000. Does anyone care to know why? She is protesting the AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act), which has been misused and gone unchecked in the north east states. The AFSPA was initiated due to the constant militant threats, faced by some North east states. This Act gives authority to the armed forces to detain and arrest anyone on suspicion of terrorist activity. It gives immunity to the armed forces from prosecution, for any actions amounting to death of persons suspected of terrorist activity. In 2009 alone, the death toll stood at 265.
July 10, 2004 - Thangjam Manorama Devi, 32 was brutally tortured and raped by Assam Rifles on the pretext of questioning her involvement in the banned outfit, People's Liberation Army. Five days later, about 30 ordinary women protested in the nude against the heinous crimes of the Assam army and the AFSPA. They held a banner which read, 'INDIAN ARMY RAPE US." What steps did the State take? They imprisoned the women for three months.
Iraninan Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi brought up this issue in 2006 and championed the cause of Irom. This incredible woman, Irom has taken on this battle with a steely determination and still continues her fast to this day.
The doctors at AIIMS say that her survival is a medical marvel. This frail woman who has been fasting for a decade, has not received any action till date. She is been forcibly fed through tubes by the Indian State. She refuses any kind of solid food. As a result of her prolonged fast, Irom's body is wasted and she lies on her hospital bed, waiting and hoping for action to be taken. Hers is a silent and lonely battle, her supporters are few. Irom has also decided she will not meet her mother until the AFSPA is repealed. It's now been a decade since she has met her mother. She says that it is her"bounden duty" to perform. She is the epitome of strong will, sacrifice and dedication. She deserves to be heard, dont you think?
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